Course Duration:
4 ½ year consists of I B.P.TH (1 Year duration), II B.P.TH (1 year duration), IIIB.P.TH (1 year duration) & IV B.P.TH (1 year duration). ½ year internship is compulsory. Candidate has to submit a research based project for the completion of course during internship. Submission of the project is mandatory before applying for the internship completion.
Aims & Objectives:
• The aim of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.
• To unsettle the minds of the young and inflame their intellects.
Eligibility Criteria:
• Admissions take place after declaration of NEET results and XII Std. results
• All students seeking admission shall apply in the prescribed form issued along with the prospectus issued by MH-CET. (Refer MHCET brochure for detailed information.)